
What Is Hyrox?

What Is Hyrox?
HYROX combines both running & functional workout stations, where participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, repeated eight times.
The eight fitness stations are as follows:
1. 1km Ski-Erg
2. 50m Sled Push
3. 50m Sled Pull
4. 80m Burpee Broad Jumps
5. 1km Row
6. 200m Kettlebell Farmers Carry
7. 100m Sandbag Walking Lunges
8. 75/100 Wall Balls
The workout can be completed solo, in pairs or even in a relay fashion in groups of 4 and weights will vary depending on your gender & race category (open or pro).
This sport is a true test of your overall fitness level!
HYROX Wednesdays
Wednesday's at 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 5:30pm & 6:30pm are our dedicated indoor Hyrox classes. In these class we focus on the 8 functional fitness workouts within Hyrox which gives people of all fitness levels the chance to get a taste for the sport without the running element.
HYROX Sundays
Every Sunday at 9:30am we run our Hyrox group which include the element of running in each workout alongside the 8 fitness stations. This could be in the form of short interval runs of 200m or even up to the full 1km running length in a Hyrox race, giving people a chance to practice their 'compromised running'.
Running can always be swapped out for other forms of cardio for those who aren't able to run for those who wish not to run.
Book in your very own Official Hyrox Simulation. Purchase a Hyrox Simulation class pack via our website, then book in your slot & test your fitness levels out with a full simulation like you would in a real Hyrox race.